mercredi 22 avril 2009

The good way for Jews to surf the web.

Forcément, il n'y a pas de raison que seuls les catholiques aient leur google, les Juifs ont également le leur. Alors, forcément, j'ai tapé les quelques mots clés "habituels".

Bon, c'est pas franchement progressiste, mais c'est nettement moins pire que chez les Catholiques.
In Jewish law, sex is not considered inherently shameful, sinful, or obscene. Sex is not seen as a necessary evil for the sole purpose of procreation. Although sexual desire comes from the yetzer hara (the so-called "evil impulse"), it is no more evil than hunger or thirst, which also come from the yetzer hara.
Sauf que...
Jews are rabbinically forbidden to even engage in sexual fantasy, let alone masturbation alone or mutual masturbation outside of marriage.
Par contre, entre époux consentants, tout est permis, le sexe existe hors de la procréation et les Monsieurs ont même officiellement le droit de mettre leur zizi partout dans leur Madame.
The primary purpose of sexual relations is to reinforce the loving marital bond between husband and wife. The first and foremost purpose of marriage is intimate long-term companionship (not just bearing children in a family context), and sexual relations play an important role in that. Procreation is also a reason for sex, but it is not the only reason; after a woman is no longer able to bear children, she is still expected to have an active sex life, just as during her child-bearing years (the idea that old folks should not or do not have sexual relations is an alien one in a Torah context). Sex between husband and wife is also recommended (and even required) at other times when conception is impossible, such as when the woman is pregnant or when the woman is using a permissible form of contraception. Kosher sexual relations are not necessarily limited to those that can lead to pregnancy, either: anal and oral relations are permitted, if enjoyable to both marital partners, though Jewish men have a separate commandment to reproduce, and should generally end up having normal vaginal intercourse.
Intéressant, tout cela.

Sur ce, bonne journée!

4 commentaires:

  1. Mais M'dame Jo, quel est le but de toutes tes recherches?
    Tu cherches à te convertir à une nouvelle religion, c'est ça? Et tu compares un peu les produits du marché. C'est vrai que tant qu'à se convertir, autant choisir une religion qui fait pas trop chier au lit.

  2. Je me culture, c'est tout. Pis pour pouvoir critiquer, faut connaître d'abord ;-)

  3. regarde aussi les histoires d'avortement, dans le judaisme c'est assez intéressant.

  4. mandark > en effet

    "Jewish law not only permits, but in some circumstances requires abortion. Where the mother's life is in jeopardy because of the unborn child, abortion is mandatory."


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